On behalf of the Czech Probation and Mediation Service and Confederation of European Probation we kindly invite you and your colleagues to the upcoming international conference “The Restoration of Normality: Mirroring the Past in the Future” on the past and future of probation, with a focus on restorative justice and interagency cooperation. The event will be held in Prague, the Czech Republic, from 11th to 13th October 2021 and will also be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Probation and Mediation Service. Conference location is the Hotel Pyramida in Prague (https://www.hotelpyramida.cz/en/).
The conference will focus on key probation topics with a focus on restorative justice practices, its usage within alternatives to detention and interagency cooperation such as:
Furthermore, we are glad to announce that there will be two special Round Tables: one inspired by the series of website articles “A day in a life of probation officer”, focusing on probation officers, and the other one presented by senior probation officers who are going to share their experience and their opinion on the future of probation.
It is a timely, stimulating and very relevant programme with expert contributors, lively exchanges and discussion and opportunities to meet and share experiences. It also is the very first opportunity to meet in person again after more than a year of online events only, caused by the COVID-19 restrictions.
For more details of the event please see the attached conference programme.
The conference will commence on Monday evening, 11th October 2021, at 19:00, with a reception at the Liechtenstein Palace, representative building of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. The rest of the programme will take place at the Pyramida Hotel, except for the official dinner on 12th October that is held at the Czech Museum of Music.
To register for the conference, please visit the CEP website. Sign up to the online registration system and then follow the instructions for participant registration.
You will receive confirmation of your registration by email. The registration fee is 150 euro for CEP members and 450 euro for non-members. We understand that you might be hesitant to register in these uncertain times, but we very much invite you to still do so as your conference fee will be reimbursed in case of cancellation of the event.
Hotel accommodation
Hotel accommodation is not included in the conference fee but we have made a block booking at the Pyramida Hotel, where the conference takes place. If you would like to make use of the special rate, please make a reservation via the link on the CEP website.
Please confirm your attendance by registering before 1st October 2021 at the latest.